Families are divided. Borders are closed.
Movement restricted.
Work has dried up.
No change is in sight.
You are, without doubt, all experiencing the same fragmented lives, your attention span pulled in a multitude of directions, the creepy deathly shadow of uncertainty looming over all your thoughts.
This is a direct reaction to a world falling apart. To normality having up and left, slamming the door.
How we react to this world pandemic and its lethal backlash is very individual.
Personally my instinct has been to nurture my family, choose gratitude and keep creating.
Right now the world needs more beauty, not more creepy shadows.
Fear is still present, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve tied it blindfolded to the passenger seat.
Life will get back to normal, new projects and work will line up.
Until then focus, maintaining a sense of calm are my priority.
This fear will not stop me from finding a flow, sharpening my skills and creating visual beauty.
Here are my first images to come out the #Coronalockdow #alwaysbecreating
#stayathome #upyourscorona
Wishing you all hope, health, and courage.