award noun
Definition of award (Entry 2 of 2)
1: something that is conferred or bestowed especially on the basis of merit or need
(a film that has won several awards)
2a: a judgment or final decision
especially : the decision of arbitrators in a case submitted to them
b: the document containing the decision of arbitrators
(source: Merriam Webster Dictionary)
Confession time: I have never had the guts to submit my photography work for any industry awards. Fear of rejection and criticism always being the biggest stumbling blocks. As a creative, sending you work out into the world takes courage. Sending it out into the world to be critiqued by the best in the industry takes guts and courage.
So, back in July, in very brave frame of mind, fear of rejection was shoved aside and three images were decided on for review at The Portrait Masters Awards and Accreditations . They were to be my little messengers, the go-betweens between the industry and my creative-self. They would provide me with direct feedback from my peers (that I so admire), shine a light on my knowledge and skills; let me know, straight up, if my work measured-up with the best of the best.
The results came in this week ….
All three images came back with an award tucked in their fold!
Two Bronze and a Silver!
I’ll let you imagine the happy dances and whoops that ensued as a result oh not to forget the pinching and very off-key singing.
Bronze images have a high professional standard of technique and communication.
Silver images have exemplary execution of technique and visual presentation.
(Source: The Portrait Masters)
I can’t think of a better time to thank you, each and every one of you, near and far, for the support, the encouragement and the opportunity for growth. The bar is being be raised as I type, new work forming in my minds’ eye. A promise to keep creating images of interest, power and visual distinction; more importantly images with enough impact to touch hearts and minds.
Signing off still dancing and in a profound state of gratitude and humbled pride.